Reducing Mental Clutter: 5 Ways To Boost Your Mental Health

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In recent years, the global population has become much more aware of the importance of mental health. People are beginning to realise that as well as prioritising your physical well-being, it’s essential to focus on keeping your mental health in check. Physical and mental health are often closely related, and both are vital to living a fulfilled and happy life. 

Our mental health is impacted in many different ways. The mind is powerful but complex, meaning diligence is necessary to keep it in shape. 

Mental clutter is often a symptom of a deeper health issue. Whether it is due to anxiety, depression, or a combination of other factors, such a disorder can be debilitating. Mental clutter can also be experienced as a result of stress. Work or life-related stress is not only harmful to your mental health, but it can also cause serious physical harm. While stress is a natural bodily defence mechanism, it is a major hindrance when it is endured chronically. 

If you regularly suffer from mental clutter, stress, anxiety, or other mental health problems, it’s important to take action. Although this is easier said than done, these issues need to be tackled head-on in order to overcome them. 

Fortunately, there are many tried and tested ways to give your mental health a boost. Here are five great tips to help you along the way. 

Get moving

Exercise works wonders for your mental health. As a natural anti-depressant, regular activity can help clear your mind of worry and give you additional focus for the day ahead. Exercise expends a lot of energy and allows your body to release tension that may be felt due to stress or mental clutter. 

When people exercise, endorphins are released in the body. This has a tremendous effect on your mental health by boosting your mood and reducing stress hormones. Regular exercise also helps you to sleep better, which can impact your mental health too. 

Depending on your age, fitness, and sporting habits, your exercise routine may vary. However, it’s recommended that adults get at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise every day. 

Sleep is key

As mentioned above, sleep has a major impact on people’s mental well-being. Sleep deprivation can lead to serious mental health problems. Brain fog, mental clutter, and reduced cognitive function can be experienced after a single night of disrupted sleep. Failing to get adequate sleep for extended periods, can cause these symptoms to develop further. 

If you’re struggling to declutter your mind every day, prioritise getting enough sleep. The most crucial aspect of good sleep is routine. Ensure that you work toward developing a consistent bedtime routine and aim for between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. 

Many people struggle to fall asleep, so a pre-bedtime routine can also be useful to unwind and relax.

Clean up your diet

The food and drinks that you consume fuel your mind and body. Your diet affects your weight, appearance, and how you feel. While many people understand the influence that diet has on your physical well-being, too few realise the mental impact

Eating nutritiously dense foods gives you energy, improves cognitive function, and powers the body to perform optimally. Prioritise eating a nutrient-filled, well-balanced diet and reap the rewards, both physically and mentally.

Take pride in your appearance

Whether we like it or not, appearance has a distinct impact on mental health. What’s more, people’s minds have more of an influence on how they interpret their bodies than how they look in the mirror. 

As humans, we have become obsessed with our appearance and how others perceive our looks. While you shouldn’t get caught up in the opinions of others, taking pride in your appearance can improve self-esteem and reduce mental clutter. 

Embrace your personal style. If you wear glasses, experiment with different frames and change up your look from time to time. Pay attention to fashion trends, but ultimately, dress however you feel most comfortable.


Mindful activities such as meditation are perhaps the most effective ways to reduce mental clutter and boost mental health. The very nature of meditation revolves around calm, centring, and freeing the mind of unnecessary clutter. 

Meditation has an abundance of benefits and can go a long way in improving your perception of life. For many people, it is their primary tactic for combatting mental health issues. 

Although it takes some practice, meditation can be incorporated into a regular routine. If you need help getting started, there are plenty of resources available to guide you.