Hello and welcome to POETS day (Push Off Early Tomorrow’s Saturday). Today’s prompt may look familiar but there’s a different emphasis. Fridge/Freezer Friday, this week, is not about what needs using up. Rather, it’s about keeping them tidy so that you can see, almost at a glance, what is in there, what needs using up, what you’re running low on. If you are super organised, you could have a running stock list – but that only works if it is always updated whenever anything is taken from the fridge or freezer. Instead, how about sorting the contents into a logical order so that you can see that you’re just about to use the last portion of chilli con carne, or you have more quiche than you know what to do with? *Don’t forget to adhere to food safety guidelines*

Dina Days!
Dina was a member of the less-stuff community who, with her unusual sense of humour, has discovered a flair for writing amusing decluttering challenges, which we call 'Dina Days'. She died after a short illness but gaveĀ me permission to put her words of wisdom on the website. I'm honoured to be able to keep her with us in this way. Lisa