Declutter your yarn stash and help breastfeeding mums
This is a call out from less-stuff Facebook group member Shel Banks who needs knitted or crocheted boobs to use as a teaching aid.
Shel says:
If anyone fancies making me some boldly coloured knitted / crocheted boobs to use when training NHS staff and volunteers how to support breastfeeding mothers, I have a pattern and I’d be very happy to help you use up the odd ends of your yarn stashes… I will happily pay postage etc.
The boobs are best done in bright or bold colours, so that they are an object of fun and not scary to anyone. Best to have a darker shade to demarcate the areola, and lighter to mark out the skin.
They are used for demonstrating the technique of hand expressing, and breast massage, and could also be used in conjunction with a doll, to demonstrate positioning and attachment for effective breastfeeding.
Staff and volunteers working with expectant parents and new families find the training more useful if they can demonstrate with a prop like this, which they then get takeaway as a memento of the two days training
The knitting pattern is here
The crochet pattern is here
And you can contact Shel at shel.banks@nhs.net

Want to talk about it?
I'm Lisa Cole. I'm a designer and writer who lives in Bristol. Less-stuff is about my journey to live a more organised life. I document little things I can change to live more sustainably. I'm not a minimalist!
If you found this post interesting and want to discuss it you can find me in the less-stuff Facebook group or you can Tweet me here.
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