Getting rid of things that don’t fit
Today we are going to face clothes that don’t fit, or ones we are saving for when they are back in fashion.
My weight fluctuates between 2 sizes during the month like a lot of people so I keep a couple of sizes of clothes but I am pretty sure I will never be a size 10 again. And if I ever did get to a size 10 I’d want new clothes anyway. I’d be able to spend all the money I had saved on cake and wine!
I’m assuming your wardrobe is not full of beautifully tailored, timeless classics. I’m assuming you are saving those trousers you bought in the sale because they were reduced and a bargain and you will fit in them one day, oh, and fix the zip.
Here are some questions to ask yourself when you look at your clothes, either in a drawer, on a rail or on the ‘floordrobe’
- How long have you had it?
- Do you still like it?
- Does it need repairs you are never going to get round to?
- Do you still like the colour?
- Does the texture feel nice?
- Does it make you feel fantastic when you wear it?
- Does it have a funny smell you can’t get rid of?
- Do you really need more than 10 black t-shirts?
Are you keeping it because it will come back into fashion one day? This can work if you have a nice collection of good quality vintage (and by vintage I mean pre 1970) .
Things do come back in fashion but not quite exactly. Last years 50’s dresses were way shorter in skirt length than the originals would have been. The current 80’s resurgence is not quite as it was in the 80’s, shoulder pads are not as big, if at all, big t-shirts are not as big…..
So, if you are saving something that was cheap to start with in order to maybe save some money one day, it’s pointless because it will never look right. Unless it’s a beautifully tailored timeless classic. So for those of us with wardrobes more full of Primark than Chanel, we are safe to stick our hand in and pull out 5 things for the box.
- It’s ok to get rid of more than 5 things but don’t get carried away!
- It’s ok to bin stuff that isn’t good enough to give away.
- Things sometimes have memories attached, if you find this happens to you it’s ok to leave it until you have the support you need to cope with it.
- It’s all ok, don’t stress about it just choose 5 things that are obviously not for you right now.
- Don’t choose anything you think might have a reasonable resale value.
- Choose stuff you are happy to get rid of and say goodbye to now
Just 5 minutes for 5 things. It’s easy.
Your printable checklist is just here