What being an ethical business means to me. Video with Jen Gale
In a nutshell – Ethical Business Coach Jen Gale interviewed me for a Facebook live as part of her ‘Meet the Changemakers’ series.
I got to rant at length about integrity, why my design business is ethical (spoiler alert, I don’t overcharge and I am clear about my pricing). I spoke about working with clients on their websites rather than for them, and about teaching them how to run their own sites so they are not reliant on me.
I had a little dig at Marie Kondo and talked about stuff being good for us, just not when it gets out of control. There is mention of #plasticfreejuly and how great the #LiveLAGOM project was for us. I continue to sing the praises of LED lights (24% less electricity consumed in the first 4 months). I also wave my arms around a lot and fend off incoming cats.
Jen Gale is an Ethical Business Coach who works with enterprises and people who are not solely driven by money. These changemakers give us some hope for the future and I’m honoured to be among them in a series of video interviews. Jen helped me get my first book, ‘From Piles to Files, easy ways to declutter your paperwork in 5 days or less’ off the computer and into the world. She is brilliant at helping people see the next steps they should take in a muddle of overwhelm.
You can find Jen at www.jengale.co.uk. She is also the woman who started a mending revolution at My Make Do and Mend Life.
If you are making changes for the good of the world Jen’s Facebook Group #MakingGood is full of folk who do interesting things and support each other.
The Making Good Podcast covers all sorts of useful stuff, from dealing with overwhelm when you are a business of one to managing your money.