Thrilling Thursday
Good morning, everyone. OK, HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, everyone because today is THRILLING THURSDAY!
You all know that frisson that you have when you suddenly realise that your gentle decluttering is reaping rewards? You look across at a bookcase that used to be crammed with all manner of things and, perhaps, a book or two, but you realise that making haste slowly really has worked. ????
Well, today’s the day to start working towards your next thrill. Choose somewhere you’ve been meaning to tackle. Make your way gently to that place, wearing your Brave Girl Pants if you need them, then pick on one corner of the shelf, table, airing cupboard or wherever your bête noir is, and take away just 5 things and put them where they need to be, whether it means putting them away, washing them, donating them or whatever else. See? You are one step nearer to another glow of contentment.
ALTERNATIVELY, you could seek a different type of thrill, which is what my elder son and his family have done. They are taking me to Blackpool today because my pesky grandsons want to push me, in my wheelchair, onto the glass floor!!! Have I told you that I am terrified of heights?!? ????

Dina Days!
Dina was a member of the less-stuff community who, with her unusual sense of humour, has discovered a flair for writing amusing decluttering challenges, which we call 'Dina Days'. She died after a short illness but gave me permission to put her words of wisdom on the website. I'm honoured to be able to keep her with us in this way. Lisa