If you are part of the less-stuff community over on Facebook I’d love to include you in this website.

Do you have an amazing recipe? A top tip for cleaning, organising or general adulting? A hobby that helps you relax? Ideas for saving money while living sustainably? Maybe you have found a new use for something old.

Whatever it is, if you want to share it with the world just fill in the form below. There are 2 ways to submit – you can upload a file or cut and paste into the text box, it is probably best to do both just in case.

If you add any pictures please try to limit their size so they don’t take up all the website space.

Never written anything like this before? Don’t worry, I’ve written loads and I can help you pull an article together with just your ideas. Nothing will get published until you approve it.

I am very happy to promote regular and active members of the Facebook community through these articles. If you are a regular and you want to link to something you do that is fine.

If you are not a regular and want to promote your business by guest posting please email me at info@less-stuff.co.uk and we can talk about your budget.

  • If you want to be anon that is fine but please make up a name 🙂
  • I might need to email you to check something.
  • There is no need to do this if you are sending me a word document.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
    No PDF's or pages files please. It has to be a word doc or equivalent.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 2 MB, Max. files: 3.
      No pictures of children please. If you are able to please keep them under 2000px wide. If you can't don't worry, I'll do it.