If you are interested in placing an article on either www.less-stuff.co.uk orwww.less-waste.co.ukplease note there is a fee of £25 per article and content must be relevant to the readers.

Less-stuff is about gentle decluttering and simple living

Less-waste is about reducing our impact on the environment

Articles must be relevant to the site and will only be posted after my approval.

If you want me to add your content to an existing article the fee rate is the same.

Things you need to know

Legally I will need to state on the post that “this is a contributed post and may contain affiliate links“. This will be placed at the top of the post underneath the first image.

Do-follow links are ok

I will not place links to gambling, adult content, dating or loan sites.

Your article will be live for at least a year, better quality and more relevant articles last longer.

I reserve the right to close either or both sites with no notice.

Payment by PayPal is easiest for me.

Post layout

  • Section headings should be H2, not bold, or italic or anything else.
  • Please send links to relevant images so I can credit the source