From Piles to Files – the painless paperwork decluttering book
In a nutshell – From Piles to Files is a book that will help you declutter your paperwork and get a filing system for life. It’s easy and quick.
When you can’t find that bit of paper….
A long while ago my car broke down. “It’s fine”, I thought to myself, “I have breakdown cover”. I did have cover but who was it with? I had numbers from 3 breakdown companies in my phone, none of which were the right one. Luckily I was close enough to walk home so I could go through the files and work out who to call to rescue the car. That took a couple of hours and plenty of tears, a couple of minor panic attacks and the realisation that I could not carry on like this.
The solution
All this hassle could have been avoided if I just had a workable filing system in place. Over the years I’ve developed a fool proof method of dealing with paper that comes into the house. It’s a system that can work for everyone because you build it to suit your own needs. It doesn’t require rigid discipline to keep under control and you can get all your paperwork sorted in 5 easy days.
With lots of help and support from many people including the multi talented Jen Gale who specialises in ethical business coaching, I’ve written detailed instructions in a small book, ‘From Piles to Files’.
If you are self employed, have kids in school, are doing a course, like saving recipes or have a stash of bits of coloured paper to use as knitting inspiration this method will work for you too.
Available in many different formats on Amazon and Smashwords, From Piles to Files guides you gently through the process of sorting out your paperwork. There is a quick paperwork decluttering method as well as detailed instructions to help you sort out a system in 5 days or less. It’s getting 5 star reviews on Amazon already!
Is your paperwork out of control?
Can you find important documents when you need them?
In just 5 days you could have an easy to run filing system for both your work and home life.
‘I am a self confessed paperwork hater, but ignoring it doesn’t make it go away… so I tried the less-stuff 5 days of de-cluttering e-course. After 5 days and about four hours work I have a simplified filing system and some good habits established to help me keep paper under control. My head feels clearer and paperwork is no longer a chore.’
In ‘From Piles to Files’ you will learn:
- How to identify paper you really need to keep
- How to set up an easy to use filing system for work and financial records
- How to make it easy to find those bits of paper you keep for ‘one day’ because they are useful
- How to set up a really simple system to keep it under control
- How to get into the habit of filing painlessly
From Piles to Files is availaible in many formats.
Amazon Kindle Search for ASIN: B06XJ3XPM7 to find the kindle version in your country
Paperback If you are outside of the UK please search amazon for ISBN 978-1521115084 to find a paperback version in your country.
PDF in plain text with a cover image. If you want to save ink print without the front cover.
ePub, Irf and text formats are available on Smashwords
“As a former lawyer, busy mum, owner of too many pets and several businesses, I have a LOT of paperwork. I really struggled to know what to keep and how to organise it. After nearly missing out on a holiday as I couldn’t find one of our passports, and with end of year accounts due, I knew I needed to kick the piles of paper into order and Lisa’s eBook was the perfect tool to help me. I loved the calm, gentle approach and the total lack of judgement. The simple steps were clearly explained and easy to follow. Lisa’s tone is reassuring throughout – it feels like a friend guiding and supporting you during the process, willing you on to succeed.”
“The hardest part was gathering all the papers together. It made me realise just how much I had accumulated and the number of hiding places I had invented.”

“Just a few hours’ work over 5 days and my massive piles of paper were tamed into files with everything having its own place – even a box for the pens so I never have to hunt for one again.”