The First Things to Do When You Move into a New House
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Moving to a new house is incredibly stressful, especially if you’ve got children. In fact, a big move is thought to be one of the most stressful things that you can do. It all starts as soon as you decide to move. You need to find the right home for your family; you need to check the local area and look at schools. You have to make sure it has everything that you need and that you’ll be happy there for some time to come. You may also need to tidy your current house up and put it on the market and find a mortgage provider or sort your finances.
Then, there’s moving itself. You have to pack everything up and move it all to your new house. Whether you do this over the course of a few weeks or all in one day, it’s both emotionally and physically exhausting. But, it doesn’t stop then. Once you’ve made the move, there’s still plenty besides unpacking that you need to do. Let’s take a look at some of the things that you should do first.
You need to know that you are safe in your new home. First, get in touch with SJO Locksmith for help checking your locks and replacing them if necessary. Then, go around and make your all of your door and window seals are safe and secure and that there’s no damage anywhere else that could allow an intruder entrance.
Other safety aspects that you should consider include a smoke alarm, a carbon monoxide monitor, and an intruder alarm.
After safety comes insurance. If you own your home, you’ll need both buildings and contents insurance. If you are renting your landlord should have buildings insurance, but you’ll still need to insure its contents. Make sure you use accurate estimates of the worth and be honest about the safety fittings to get the right coverage for your needs. It’s essential that you get this done as soon as you can after or even before your move.
Change of Address
Letting everyone know about your change of address can be a long and tiresome process. Everyone that has your address needs to be informed. This includes all of your utility providers, schools, dentist and doctors, car and health insurance providers, the electoral roll and anyone that writes to you. Then, set up a redirect with the post office in case you’ve forgotten any.
Sometimes, changing your address with utility providers is enough to transfer your policy to your new address. But, not always. Some providers might be different, or you might need to set up new accounts. For some, you can start doing this as soon as you’ve got a moving in date, so write a list and get started. Remember, this is also a great time to compare deals to make sure you are getting the best price.
Once all that’s done, you can finally think about unpacking and settling into your new home. Good luck!