What is the most eco friendly shopping bag money can’t buy? A Morsbag!
In a nutshell – since the plastic bag ban in shops we are all on the lookout for reusable alternatives. Morsbags make and give away bags made from old fabric. This makes them even more eco friendly and they are free!
It is pretty clear that a fabric bag is better for the environment than a plastic bag. Plastic never dies, cotton will rot down, become worm food and help to grow new things. The only trouble with cotton is the amount of water and pesticides used to create it. Organic cotton is better but it is generally imported. If only there was someone who made bags from old fabric……..

A Morsbag by Mary
What is the most eco friendly shopping bag?
The very best alternative to using a plastic bag is a bag made from old fabric. The impact of production has already happened, a usable resource is saved from landfill and they can look really cool. Each bag will save hundreds of plastic bags from being used and they are lots nicer than the reusable plastic ones.
I spoke to Catherine Appleton from Bude Baggers and she told me the history behind Morsbags: Claire Morsman started making fabric bags from leftover secondhand fabrics, such as tablecloths, sheets, duvet covers, curtains etc. because she was sick of seeing plastic bags floating on the Grand Union Canal, where she lives. 10 years later the Morsbag revolution has thousands of pods worldwide where volunteers make bags to give away.

Lynda from Bude Baggers made these beauties!
How difficult is it to make a morsbag?
The website has instructions and a great video that show you how to make a bag that is strong enough to hold heavy shopping like beans and wine. The bag design is simple, strong and does not need a zig zag stitch. It is joy to see a design that is so economical on time and labour. It is very well thought out.
You can make a Morsbag for yourself but the point is really to join or start a pod to make as many as you can. Morsbag sell labels and each bag with a label is counted and tallied up on the site. I thought that the label sales would pay for hosting the site but they don’t, the cost only covers labels, postage and packaging. Big Lottery Funding paid for the site itself but the owners pay for the hosting etc. from their own pockets.
“It made perfect sense to me” How the Bude pod started
Where can you get a Morsbag?
If you are lucky enough to live near a pod that makes the bags you can find them being given away at supermarkets, farmers markets, local shops and even put through letterboxes. You cannot buy a Morsbag, it has to be given to you.
If you want to start your own pod
Find out more at www.morsbags.com

540 Morsbags made by Bude Baggers, ready to distribute