Countdown to Cosy – Plan Gifting for Free

This is an excerpt from the Low Waste Christmas Workbook. It’s packed full of ideas that will help you have an ethical and sustainable holiday.

Free Gifts

These are some ideas for gifts that won’t cost you anything except time. They may mean you can stretch your budget a bit further, can add to the bought items, can delay the expense to another month (vouchers) or just do something last minute for that unexpected guest…

Print or Create a Token/Voucher

These are really easy to do, and you can have some blank ones printed for emergency use! They work well in stockings or just hanging on the tree for visitors. They are fun to make yourself if you’re feeling creative…

Token ideas for kids

  • Stay up late one night/extra hour
  • Have a sleepover with a sibling or friend
  • Hold the TV remote for an hour/day/weekend
  • No chores today card
  • Choose dinner and pudding one day
  • Extra bedtime story
  • Trip to the park
  • Extra electronic time – you know best what would work in your family.

Token ideas for adults

  • Breakfast in bed
  • The remote control for a whole evening
  • Time Off from a least favourite task
  • A visit to their favourite place
  • Their favourite meal/pudding


Join in with the conversation in the less-stuff Facebook group to share your ideas. I’d love to hear how this works for you.

Countdown to Cosy is a collaboration with The Frugal Family – check out what they are up to on their website