Countdown to Cosy – Find that draft

It’s good to have a bit of ventilation in our homes but there is no need to live in a wind tunnel!

Find the draft!

You can find the drafts easily with a candle, match, lighter or a bit of tissue paper and this video shows you how.

Get professional help

If you live in Bristol the amazing CHEESE Project will come to your home and conduct a full test to find out where your heat is escaping. They often do free surveys for people on a low income too. It is a lot of fun seeing a thermal imaging camera point out where the money is leaking out of a home too.

For questions about their surveys:

CHEESE on social media:

If you are not lucky enough to live in an area with an amazing service like CHEESE a quick Google brings up lots of places to rent thermal imaging cameras.

Make it better

If you are feeling crafty a draft excluder is an excellent way of using up scrap fabrics and keeping the warm in.

I have a huge gap under my door so I was able to make a double sided one.

You don’t even need to be able to sew. Cutting off the leg of a pair of jeans and tieing the ends would work just as well.  Check out this post for more info on the double draft excluder and this one for a guided step by step tutorial to make a simple version.

Countdown to cosy is a collaboration with The Frugal Family – check out what they are up to on their website

And for more of this kind of thing check out the Eco-Friendly Autumn book.

Eco-Autumn Front Cover